Sunday 17 November 2013

a week of good byes, lost glasses and found rhubarb

It's been a strange week, blood tests,  lots of sorting out done, friends visiting almost daily to say good bye, things lost-my glasses, then found-down the side of the sofa after searching for ages, decisions of keep, recycle or why didn't I throw that away months ago. It's also been a week of eating left overs from the freezer, an unknown bag of green stuff which I had forgotten to label turned out to be rhubarb which I love
Said good bye to some dear friends on Wednesday, a surprise pressie of enough ££ to buy myself a fridge and water purifier when I get to Tz, thanks folks.They are already planning Dolly's home coming in August.
 Thursday was with J ,who once she found out that I hate a certain swearword' would answer the phone at work  with 'Hello ****!' I was very tempted to get another manager to phone her from my office but never did. Anyway J, I always beat you at boggle.
Spent Saturday with a  very special person, hard saying goodbye but at least she took some of my freezer food which I won't be able to use. It's very difficult to throw food away but especially when I am setting off to live in a country where food, for many, is scarce
3 days to go, more good byes to be said, wonder if there's any more rhubarb lurking in the bottom of the freezer??

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