Wednesday 27 November 2013

Great Harwood to Kijenge Juu Arusha and chip omelette for supper

My journey has taken me from home to Manchester to Amsterdam to Nairobi, border crossing from Kenya into Tanzania then onto Kijenge Juu, Arusha. Kilahia Lodge is a small hotel in a suburb a 20 minute walk into town, lots of dukas-small shops and fundi-workshops making almost everything so it's vibrant and quite noisy but fun.
Reacquainted myself with the joys of riding on a dala dala, not exactly a joy but a cheap way of getting around
Lots of research re looking for a house, met up with some old friends and some new people all doing volunteer work, although \I can't work until I apply for and get my resident visa I have visited my 2 potential places of employment, both doing equally valid work. Have had several discussions with other NGOs who want me to help but I only want to work part time. Also found a clinic for the much needed blood tests, no need to book, just turn up
Chilled out at Meru Lodge for a few hours, watched the zebras and birds, peaceful after the noise of town-Arusha is usually referred to as town
Having been here a week I know that my decision is right to return and do what I can despite the constant power cuts, no coronation street, books costing 2 arms and 3 legs. Looking at starting Swahili lessons in January with a small group of vollies, It's been quite a productive 1st week, lets see what next week brings

Tuesday 19 November 2013

bye bye mat, hello 100kgs of 'stuff' and lots of phone calls

Today I said good bye to Mat, she has watched my back, taken me to places that I barely knew existed, got to know my posterior pretty well and in return I cared for her, put petrol in her tank and made sure that she was able to work legally. Yes, today I sold my little car, didn't want to leave her alone, unloved and uncared for her so it was time for another family to have her company. So if anyone sees her around please tell her that I hope that she's happy
After that I finished, well almost finished, the packing, made sure that the marmite jar is well padded.  I hope that the airlines are kind because I am pretty certain that I'm over the luggage allowance. I wonder if they'll take into consideration that we've both lost weight recently? The packing was rudely interrupted by friends and family phoning to say bye, how inconsiderate is that? I AM joking, I am blessed with having made some wonderful friends during my long career with the NHS, I hope they know how special they are to me.
The next blog will come from Tanzania-I hope, fare well dear Blighty, I'm going to miss so much about you but am looking forward to getting to know Tanzania

Sunday 17 November 2013

a week of good byes, lost glasses and found rhubarb

It's been a strange week, blood tests,  lots of sorting out done, friends visiting almost daily to say good bye, things lost-my glasses, then found-down the side of the sofa after searching for ages, decisions of keep, recycle or why didn't I throw that away months ago. It's also been a week of eating left overs from the freezer, an unknown bag of green stuff which I had forgotten to label turned out to be rhubarb which I love
Said good bye to some dear friends on Wednesday, a surprise pressie of enough ££ to buy myself a fridge and water purifier when I get to Tz, thanks folks.They are already planning Dolly's home coming in August.
 Thursday was with J ,who once she found out that I hate a certain swearword' would answer the phone at work  with 'Hello ****!' I was very tempted to get another manager to phone her from my office but never did. Anyway J, I always beat you at boggle.
Spent Saturday with a  very special person, hard saying goodbye but at least she took some of my freezer food which I won't be able to use. It's very difficult to throw food away but especially when I am setting off to live in a country where food, for many, is scarce
3 days to go, more good byes to be said, wonder if there's any more rhubarb lurking in the bottom of the freezer??

Tuesday 12 November 2013

6 weeks to go

Contacted the airline to see if they will let me take an extra bag for free cos I've so much stuff which I'd really like to take and is much needed, one can only ask but they said no, oh well.
Looking good on the house front, may have found a smallish 2 bedroomed house on a complex of 8, secure and in the right area, available 2 weeks after I get there, perfect but will look at apartments too. It's getting close now.

8 days to go

A week of saying good bye to friends and family, not the easiest thing to do, but thankful that I live in the 21st century so that keeping in contact is relatively easy.
Had a superb meal on Saturday night in London with my daughter, her treat, thanks Meg