Thursday 12 December 2013

the first mangoes, lots of rain and a bank doing good for once

The first mangoes have fallen from the tree, not ripe so they are sitting patiently on the window sill waiting for the sun to appear, which it does occasionally. We seem to have entered the rainy season, most days it rains+++ then the sun comes out but today it rained on and off all day. I'm so grateful to be in my house rather than the lodge, as nice at it was it was not the sort of place to spend a rainy day in.
Spent a couple of days at the centre, the kids are getting used to seeing a strange lady appearing and some of them will actually come up to me without prompting. The tailors continue to do a fantastic job and I've asked one of them to make me a computer case in the new year.
Santander has actually turned up trumps and refunded the ££ I didn't get from an atm 12 days ago, they didn't refund the charges but at least I haven't had to wait 45 working days which was their initial estimate
Here are some pics of the house and my four lonely, unripe mangoes

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