Friday 11 July 2014

It's been a while, Sorry

Since I last blogged, lots of things have happened. Meg and Richard came for a few days, she had to study part of the time for an exam in September but we went out for some great  meals, visited Meru Lodge, had a fantastic 8 days on Zanzibar where she went diving and Richard and I went out to a sand bank and an island. Good to see them both, Richard got his exam results whilst we were there, a 1st so it cost me a shilling or two in cocktails. Ever heard of a banana colada? No, me neither until I went to Zanzibar, it’s like an alcoholic banana smoothie-pretty darn good. Thanks to Richard for the stuff for the kids and to Meg for my jar of marmite and haribo for the kids, they really enjoyed them
The centre is closed for 2 weeks for the annual holidays, there will be lots of refurbing going on so it will be quite exciting to see it all. I have to go to Karatu during the first week of our return to check on Mama Teddy and the girls, I haven’t seen them for a few months so I’m quite looking forward to it-but not the 2.5 hour journey
Sad to say goodbye to Lori this week, she has been staying for 6 weeks and has achieved so much-sponsoring Samweli for school, visiting a medical centre in Monduli, getting sponsorship for Theresia to attend school to become a preschool teacher and renting a house which I am going to move into and run for the benefit of fellow volunteers. She loves to shop and bought many kitenge which have been turned into beautiful quilts. She’ll be back in October to do some medical work, a tailoring workshop and who knows what else? So fare well Lori and look forward to seeing you back in Tanzania
I may have 2 weeks off but I am doing 4 1st Aid workshops for Neema House- a local baby home. They have 20 nannies who all need basic training in CPR, choking, bleeding, burns and hygiene but I am going to try and get a couple of long walks in. Much needed after all of the meals out with my, very welcome, visitors. It costs a minimum of $50 for a 3 hour basic first aid course, well above the budget of Walk in Love and Neema House, so I’m happy to do it. Lori is going to try to get an adult resus dummy, I have a baby one, so I’ll do updates in November if we get it.
Less than 6 weeks before I’m back in the UK, looking forward to seeing everyone but Tanzania has become my life now and I know that I’ll miss it
Sorry about the long gap in the blogs but here are lots of pics to make up for it xxmeg and I at Jambiani, Ilse, Brie, myself, Lori, Cassie and Kelly at Shanga, me at Jambiani, Peanut because he's beautiful, aubergine stack at house of spice in Zanzibar, 3 of us at house of spice, Richard and Meg at Shanga, Richard celebrating his 1st class degree with a banana colada,



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