It’s been a funny old year
2013 was always going to be my last full year of paid
employment. I am fortunate enough to have a 1978 contract which allows me to
retire at the age of 55, and from my late 30’s this was always the plan. I have
been lucky enough to work with some great people in the various hospitals over
the years and I loved most of it. But, after almost 36 years, it has come to an
end.There have been some great highs and some lows this year but overall, personally, it wasn’t so bad. O.K I got sick a couple of times but that was nothing in comparison to what friends have been through. I am lucky to have been born into a country where healthcare is free at the point of need
One of the great highs was seeing my daughter graduate for the 3rd time and start her career as a doctor, where will it take her, who knows? My only wish for her is that she is happy in her life and in her chosen career, that she has a £/$/€ more coming in than going out and that she continues to like my banana bread. Spending time with friends is also very special, now that I am 700 miles away from some of them, the memories are oh so precious.
November 20th I left Lancashire to start a new life in
As I look back over the past year I remember people who are no longer with us, each one special in their own way. I hope that their families can look back with pride and love. So here’s to 2014, hope it’s a great year for everyone both personally and globally
The pics show that I do actually have something which is pink, most people know that I have aversion to this colour, OK it's only an egg tray and I keep it in the store room but it is pink
The 2nd pic is my daughter's graduation day with her 'mini' present, Why? Because she is totally worth it, the final pic is me saying Cheers and Happy 2014 xx

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