Monday 27 January 2014

Busy Times

First we weighed and measured all of the kids at the centre, 4 are cause for concern, 3 of them will gain weight with the good food which they are getting plus we have added peanut butter sandwiches for them to take home, 1 is very underweight and suspected to have anaemia so I took him for a blood test which he certainly didn’t like and his hb is in his boots. Doctor prescribed an iron supplement, fortunately he likes this, and a deworming medication which he hated, we are giving him green veg and extra portions but his little stomach is so small that he gets full very quickly. We will retest in April and weigh him fortnightly. I made peanut biscuits and he loved those, this means baking a batch very week, if this is what it takes to get this little chap healthy, then Sunday is baking day.
Went to visit a potential school for 2 of the Walk in Love boys, very similar to a UK primary school except that it is fee paying, start up costs are high-uniform, admin etc but it may be affordable. They would have to go by dalla dalla every day but this is doable. They need to go to school and the local government ones will not meet their needs.
Finally we went to see Helena who I first cared for at Cradle of Love in Usa River, she has grown so much, looks healthy and happy. She lives with her grandmother, father is close by with his other children, neither have jobs except for unskilled work when they can get it. Aubree, the founder of WiL, is looking at training bibi in tailoring so that she can earn a living, Helena is sponsored so she will be able to go to school so, all in all, the future is bright for this family.
I’m still doing Benny’s dressings every day, he is a friend’s guard who was on a motorcycle taxi when it was hit by a car. 2 weeks in hospital, surgery to put a screw into his big toe to stabilise it and a huge wound from below his knee to his ankle. The dressings are expensive and if he had to pay for some-one to do it then he would be in debt for years to come. Fortunately his employer is paying for the dressings and I’m teaching his sister how to do them just in case I can’t get there one day. The new skin which is coming through is pink so I told him that his leg is mzungu and the rest of him is Tanzanian, he saw the humour but one of his sisters thought that I was serious! He now jokes about his mzungu leg.
All in all it’s pretty busy here in Tanzania, I am fortunate that I have good health, can choose to live where I want to. Life is good.

Saturday 11 January 2014

First week of 2014

The first week of the new year has flown by, I am officially retired after 36 years in the National Health Service. I started on 01/01/1978, boy is that a lifetime away but it doesn’t seem it, and ended on 05/01/2014, although my last actual shift was way before then. The NHS has given me full employment and then some, thank you. I met some of my best friends through the organisation and had many laughs along the way. Thank you NHS.Now I look forward to receiving the pension for many years to come.
Walk in Love opened it’s doors again this week, spent the first day cleaning out cupboards, moving furniture and getting rid of 2 weeks of dust. Welcomed 3 new co-volunteers 2 Lucys and Brianna and also our loyal leader back from the Serengeti. Here’s to a great year, hopefully WiL will go from strength to strength, there’s still much work to be done.
On Friday I went out to Karatu with Rehema the manager of WiL, apart from the centre WiL also has some outreach programmes, it is supporting Mama Teddy and her 2 young daughters to stay in their home, providing food, money for rent and school whilst encouraging Mama Teddy to earn her own living by cooking and selling food to the local area. 2.5 hours on a minibus and a walk through the back streets of Karatu bought us to Mama Teddy’s 2 roomed home made of local bricks. The house was clean but sparsely furnished, the girls looked well and happy. We took a water filter-essential for basic good health and the girl’s xmas backpacks, we then went shopping to get dry goods, fruit,veg and charcoal. The girls loved being bought home in the wheelbarrow almost as much as they loved the backpacks. A tough journey to get there but well worth it. Teddy will start school on Monday and Irene very shortly afterwards as it closed at mid day so we couldn’t enrol her. Aubree, the founder of WiL, has secured sponsorship for this family, the money is being well spent.
Hopefully, in the next few months, I will be able to visit more outreach projects, until then I will work at the centre, enjoy my garden and my retirement. Today I have chillies to pick, they are ripening and I don’t want the bugs to eat them.
The pics show the family with their gifts, the dry goods and Teddy sitting at, what will be, her desk at Armani school, the girls being wheeled home with the shopping


Wednesday 1 January 2014

It's been a funny old year

It’s been a funny old year
2013 was always going to be my last full year of paid employment. I am fortunate enough to have a 1978 contract which allows me to retire at the age of 55, and from my late 30’s this was always the plan. I have been lucky enough to work with some great people in the various hospitals over the years and I loved most of it. But, after almost 36 years, it has come to an end.
There have been some great highs and some lows this year but overall, personally, it wasn’t so bad. O.K I got sick a couple of times but that was nothing in comparison to what friends have been through. I am lucky to have been born into a country where healthcare is free at the point of need
One of the great highs was seeing my daughter graduate for the 3rd time and start her career as a doctor, where will it take her, who knows? My only wish for her is that she is happy in her life and in her chosen career, that she has a £/$/€ more coming in than going out and that she continues to like my banana bread. Spending time with friends is also very special, now that I am 700 miles away from some of them, the memories are oh so precious.
November 20th I left Lancashire to start a new life in Tanzania, what will 2014 bring? Hopefully good health, new interests, learn new skills-one should be Swahili, meet new people and experience whatever life throws at me, oh and fewer power cuts would be nice.
As I look back over the past year I remember people who are no longer with us, each one special in their own way. I hope that their families can look back with pride and love. So here’s to 2014, hope it’s a great year for everyone both personally and globally     
The pics show that I do actually have something which is pink, most people know that I have aversion to this colour, OK it's only an egg tray and I keep it in the store room but it is pink
The 2nd pic is my daughter's graduation day with her 'mini' present, Why? Because she is totally worth it, the final pic is me saying Cheers and Happy 2014 xx