Friday 2 January 2015

Sorry, sorry, sorry and Happy New year

Sorry it's been almost 2 months since the last blog. Time just goes so quickly.
First of all a belated Happy New Year to everyone, I hope that you enjoyed the festive season and that 2015 will see everyone healthy, happy and have a £/€/$/shekel/shilling more coming in than you need.
I have decided to give the teaching thing a go. I have 2 great people looking for a house for me, I'll spend 2 or 3 days a week in Monduli and 2 days at Walk In Love. It should be a good mix, I love being at the centre and teaching first aid but this will give me another interest and bring me into contact with more people.
It's been great meeting up with my old friend Susan who arrived in Tanzania a month earlier than expected, sadly she had to go to the UK in December but, fingers crossed, she'll be back at the end of the month.
Said goodbye to my American 'daughter' Brianna who has returned to Texas but I did get to meet up with her mum again, this time with dad in tow as he was doing some medical work in Monduli. Great family but this is the life of a volunteer, great people pass through our lives so we just enjoy the moment for what it is. We may never meet up again but we share some great memories.
Met a local family who really need help, mum and 3 kids live in a shed made from tin sheets. They now have a water filter giving them clean drinking water for 5 years, also found some clothes and bits and pieces for them.
I spent Christmas and New Year in Israel where both are none events, I thought that Nazareth would be busy on their famous son's birthday but no, it was a normal working day.
2015, I wonder what else it will bring? New home for certain as the lease is up on my current house and the land lady is not renewing. I have found a great place near a market, lime green lounge but that's OK. A trip to the UK in July and I want to take time to explore Tanzania. I haven't seen much of it in my first year so I must make the effort to take long week ends and find out about the country which is my second home.
I continue to have 'pinch me' moments when I can't believe how lucky I am to be living my dream. I miss my daughter and friends so much that, at times, it physically hurts but it's a small price to pay. Thankfully there's Skype and email but it can't make up for the times when they need a hug and I can't be there to provide it.
Here are some of my favourite pics from the past year, enjoy xx