Tuesday 16 September 2014

sorry still no pics

I've been back in Blighty for 4 weeks now and I'm making plans to return to Tanzania. What a busy 4 weeks it's been catching up with folk who hold a very special place in my heart, I can't always be with them but, thanks to the electronic medium, I am only a click away.
4 days in London were particularly special connecting with old friends and my daughter. She is the number 1 person in my life and is fully supportive of my decision to tread an alternative path in my retirement, it also means that she gets her Christmas present at weird times of the year, 2013 it was November and September this year. 2 great meals with her, one vegan and the other in a completely blacked out restaurant where the waiters are blind and you are told at the end what you have eaten. A fantastically weird experience.
My house has now been sorted out, stuff moved into storage, estate agents visited and lots of bits of paper signed. I have asked that a photo be taken of the 'sold' sign if this happens before I return in July 2015. I am not presuming anything, it could take a week or a year to sell, who knows? It feels odd that it doesn't feel odd if that makes any sense. I am not materialistic so not owning a house is just not important to me although it has been hard deciding what to keep and what to give to charity shops.
This last week is going to be filled with more catch ups and some sad good byes, packing and repacking to make sure that I'm not over weight, double checking that everything re the house is in order and wrapping the marmite jar in superstrength bubble wrap.I do not want that exploding all over my luggage. What fun that would be struggling with 46kgs of luggage only to have half of it ruined by thick, black, salty gunk. I really need to wean myself off it
Am I sad to be leaving Blighty? In many ways yes but in equally as many ways no. My life has moved on from working in the NHS and I intend to embrace any experience which may come my way.
Lots of pics when I can access them, hopefully, next time
Thanks for reading x